All You Need to Know About Silvertip Fibre®
‘Wet shaving is a traditional segment, marked by rather traditional products... still our standards are and always will be to keep refining these products; to take the next step and innovate exactly where it makes sense.’
Andreas Muller, Managing Director, MÜHLE / Hans-Jürgen Müller GmbH & Co. KG
Starting from the fact that there was no synthetic fibre shaving brush on the market that actually worked well or synthetic fibres designed specifically for wet-shaving, Andreas and Christian Muller set out to develop a fibre that lives up to the standards of the shaving brush to the fullest extent and even surpasses all there is today. Working with a specialist partner they have created the Silvertip Fibre® Brush: It has very soft tips but still offers an outstanding massage effect, and a nice stable, firm lather. The brush dries very quickly and the fibre is extremely resistant both against daily wear and against soap and lather. These features make the Silvertip Fibre® brush remarkably durable, and the brushhead of choice for the MÜHLE Travel Range.
We caught up with Andreas Muller about the development of Silvertip Fibre® and the benefits of using a Silvertip Fibre® Brush, particularly for travel:
What inspired you to develop the Silvertip Fibre® Brushhead?
Andreas Müller: People are drawn to dense and thick badger shaving brush knots because these bundles provide more ‘backbone’ which is of benefit while shaving. The downside of dense bundles is that they are hard to rinse thoroughly and they need longer to dry- both of which are important, otherwise the brush can shed hair eventually. We wanted to provide a vegan option for our customers that prefer animal-free products and we wanted the vegan option to retain the benefits of premium natural hair without the downsides; a brush with very soft tips, good backbone and at the same time easy to maintain.
How is Silvertip Fibre® distinctive from the Black Fibre Brush and/ or other synthetic shaving brushes on the market?
Andreas Müller: Silvertip Fibre® is our premium hair grade. Just as Silvertip Badger is processed by hand Silvertip Fibre® is also processed by hand. Black Fibre is our basic synthetic hair grade and is processed by machines. Where a natural brush has varying hair types, a synthetic brush has different fibre types that vary in length, thickness and some are curled more, others less. Our Silvertip Fibre® and Black Fibre brushes consist of 7 different types of fibres. The specific mix in Silvertip Fibre® guarantees the properties mentioned above; soft tips, good backbone and easy to maintain.
What are the advantages of using a premium synthetic brush, as oppose to a natural brush?
Andreas Müller: First of all MÜHLE synthetic brushes perform very well, furthermore they resist soap and foam residues and they are very durable.
The MÜHLE Travel range comprises of only Silvertip Fibre® brushes, why is that? What is it about Silvertip Fibre® brushheads that makes them so durable?
Andreas Müller: Whilst traveling shaving brushes need to be stowed away in a toiletry pack or container. The MÜHLE travel brush has been conveniently designed so that the brushhead can be stowed in the handle which acts as a container for the brush while you’re on the go. Silvertip Fibre® dries quickly and resists residues so it is well suited to this, however badger hair requires time to dry and must not be stowed away while it’s wet.
Is a different technique required when using a synthetic brush as oppose to a natural brush?
Andreas Müller: No, using a synthetic brush is just as easy and convenient as using a badger hair brush.
Is the Silvertip Fibre® brush particularly suited to any skin/hair types?
Andreas Müller: It definitely is. I´d say it feels even more gentle on the skin, thus it’s particularly suitable for very sensitive skin types.
Purchase a Silvertip Fibre® Shaving Brush
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- Shop all Silvertip Fibre® Shaving Sets.